Wednesday 13 October 2010

Deadly Shoes

Iron Fist
Iron Fist are probably one of my favourite shoe makes around at the moment, but sadly I am not yet the proud owner of a pair, or several!

Being quite girly, but also loving the nightmareish designs, I feel that they match my style perfectly, and also allow for getting a bit of rock n roll into a straight laced outfit which is something that other shoes / boots like New Rocks cant.

Iron Fist have also recently added some new designs to their collection and here are some of my Faves! 
Zombie Stomper Heels

My current favourites - Sweet Scull o' Mine. Love the name!

The classic Wolfbeaters

Thelma Boots

Not to sure about these ugly ugg type boots though!
Zombie Chomper Fug Boots

Seriously Fuggly boots if you ask me! Cant really see them looking good on anyone but imagine they will go down well with the emos.

Its really hard to find cheap Iron Fist shoes, even on ebay they seem to sell for a fair price. However, I was lucky enough to come accross several pairs in the Cloggs store for £25 the other day, but unfortunately these prices are not reflected on their website.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Deadly etsy - Zombie Dolls

Miss Fortune brings to you handmade etsy alt fashion!

Zombie Dolls features some lovely made to order  (and measure!) tattoo print rockabilly dresses in Alexander Henry fabrics. If you want as much as I do, check these out:

Zombie Dolls Also features hand made steel boned corsets, including  the extremely covetable one below which can be made in other fabric, although  I think this one looks fab!